Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG and commitment... Part two

It's been a month since my last blog post, which was last month's IWSG post. I've done some brainstorming on my WIP, but I haven't been writing much lately. I'm in the middle of a career change and the summer weather has brought out my love for tennis. If writing is so important to me, why don't I make the time to do it?

After picking my brain for what's blocking me, I've decided it's expecting too much. I set too large of word count goals and expect a high quality of writing from myself and it takes out the fun of writing.

My goal for this month is to find the fun in writing again and try to develop consistency, even if it's in small amounts at a time.

And hopefully I won't go another month without posting!


  1. Expecting too much of ourselves does suck the fun out of it. Just enjoy writing now, while there's no pressure.

  2. Not losing the fun is such a hard thing to do sometimes, and we writers do it quite a bit. So guilty here! I've been thinking a lot about that Hemingway quote(think it was him) about writing drunk, editing sober. I need to do that more. Though not literally... ;)

    1. Haha! But that "writer's high" type feeling when the words flow is one of the best feelings.

  3. Sounds like you just need to adjust your goals to something more reasonable. Even if you only wrote 200 words a day you would get there - eventually - and you might reignite your passion for writing along the way.

    1. Very true. That's what I've realized. My overachieving mentality ruins me! haha
