Wednesday, September 2, 2015
my blog is moving!
I have created a new blog for my new pen name:
Please check it out and if you'd like, follow me there :)
Saturday, August 1, 2015
I absolutely LOVE JK Rowling but...
JK Rowling is the author, so I'm sure she knows best, but I totally see Ron and Hermione together. I think their opposite natures complement each other. Maybe Ron doesn't always pay attention and isn't a bookwork. Hermione is smart and dedicated to knowledge. She has a know-it-all personality sometimes. That's what makes her such a great character. Ron's more laid back style balances that. I think they helped each other grow throughout the series, and they would have kept doing so after. I don't think it's always true, but sometimes opposites really do attract and can be good together.
I loved that Harry and Hermione were always friends first, and I never got the vibe that they really ever thought about being more. The books are far better than the movies, but I loved the scene where Harry and Hermione are alone after Ron leaves, and they dance in the tent. There may have been a split second that they would have contemplated being more, but that wasn't their destiny. In today's world, there aren't a lot of times girls and boys can truly be just friends without drama, but I always thought Harry and Hermione were able to keep things platonic successfully. I loved that about them.
So, JK Rowling may have done things differently if she were to write the series all over again, but I think things turned out the way they should have.
Any different opinions? I'll keep an open mind :)
Saturday, July 11, 2015
All in name...
Everyone asks me how it feels to be married, and for the most part it feels the same. Joe (my husband) and I moved from Washington state to Arizona in February. Moving across the county together and leaving most of our family behind felt like a big change. Promising to be together at a ceremony when we were always committed to each other didn't feel as life changing. Maybe if we had waited to live together until marriage it would be different, but for the most part, we went back to our normal life the next day.
One thing though, is different. I decided to take his last name, which is Leder. Now, I've considered hyphenating it with my maiden name, and I still might, but on a daily basis, I will now go by Genissa Leder. IT FEELS SO WEIRD! Of course, with time, it will seem normal (or more-so at least.) It's left me with a big decision though...
What name do I want to write under?
So far, my plan is to self-publish, and I want a name that will stand out, but still be recognizable. My first name is already complicated. You can't find "Genissa" on any pre-made key chains. My maiden name, Bornong, isn't easy either. I sometimes go by "Nissa," and have considered using it since it's shorter. My new last name, Leder, still isn't common, but it's shorter and less intimidating to try to pronounce (it's LEEder, for anyone wondering :)
So, with four options ahead of me... Genissa Bornong, Nissa Bornong, Genissa Leder, or Nissa Leder, I'm totally confused. Part of me wants to keep Genissa Bornong so that part of me is still alive. Part of me really likes the idea of using my nickname Nissa, because I don't use it all that often in my grown-up life and it reminds me of friends who would use it, and I want readers to be friends. And part of me wants to commit to my new last name because it's part of me now.
Needless to say, I'm still deciding... But to end on a happy note, here are a few pictures from my wedding!
Monday, May 25, 2015
(Another) Fresh Start
My last blog post got deleted, so a quick summary of that post: My fiancé Joe and I moved from Washington state to the Phoenix area, got new jobs, found a house, and are now settling in to our new life. We're getting married next month (yay!). It's going to be a super small ceremony in my sister's backyard, so there isn't a whole lot of planning to do, but I want it to be nice so that's taken up some of my time, too. It's all been super exciting and things are working out great for us, but my writing has definitely slacked.
Good news though! We're settled, the wedding is planned, and I'm ready to start strong!
I've learned to the key to me succeeding is setting reasonable goals, so here are my goals until the end of June:
Write 500 words a day
Blog twice a week
Read more
Have fun with my writing
The last one is the biggest for me. I get too caught up with my self expectations sometimes that I forget to just enjoy it.
What about you? How do you handle writing when life gets crazy?
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
IWSG and the New Year

I tend to reminisce about what I could and definitely should have done. My biggest insecurity- that I'm just going to fail anyway so why try- sneaks in and wrap themselves around my mind until I'm defeated and ready to quit. Luckily, I'm also determined, so I'll sweep those insecurities out of my mind for awhile and start over. I'll make a list about everything I'm going to do. For real. This time, I'm totally going to do it! Until I don't. I make my goals so big, that I overwhelm myself. I might stick to them for a short period of time, but eventually I fall off and instead of jumping back on and continuing full force ahead, I get discouraged and quit for awhile until I can fight the insecurities all over again.
Instead of dwelling (which I have a bad habit of doing), I have a new strategy to the new year. While I've made out a goal of the projects I want to do this year, I'm not making out a daily plan ahead of time. Very rarely do I ever actually follow a schedule if I make it. My new plan this year is to write down what I actually do each day. My hope is to analyze how productively I use my time, and to become more productive all around in my life, but especially my writing.
So that's my biggest goal of the new year. What about you? Are you good at following schedules or do you prefer to just go with the flow?
Oh, and Happy New Year!!! :)